"Woman is the radiance of the Divine. She is not a creature, she is the creator" Rumi


Initiation into the Mahavidyas

Working with the Ten Goddesses of Wisdom from the Tantric tradition


The exploration of the Divine Feminine in her multiple expressions as an unparalleled journey of self-discovery

Philosophy to psychology

Learn the wisdom from ancient teachings and the real and practical use in every situation in your life

daily practice and meditation

A simple ritual to set the tone for the day and to experience new meaning as these Goddesses become your companions

The gift of self-knowledge

Without awareness no memories are created, and no experience in life is tasteful enough if our attention is scattered. Awareness is the beam of light that we create when we observe without judgement.

Direct this beam of light to yourself and if you remain without judgement, you will taste the sweetness of seeing you as you are.

Being in contact with our true nature is what makes us free from the huge influence that we receive from social mandates and acquired belief systems that we probably never examined carefully enough.

These patterns that we inherit are valuable to lead a normal life, but they quickly expire when we scratch the surface looking for a deeper meaning to make sense of the events in life…an encompassing meaning.

It is then that our spiritual journey begins, and our first step will turn us to look inside and realize there’s unknown territory to walk.

If instead, we look only outside and follow a trend, a therapy, an organized cult of any kind, we will fall into dogma and we will go on a ride until this substitute wears out as well, like the cultural structure we received in childhood did.

Thinking we already know ourselves is the first mistake because we are an unfolding universe. And the only acceptable answer might look more like an ongoing and evolving question.

A path of self-exploration is crucial for integrating more aspects of who we are and understanding our drives, impulses, desires and mission.

What do YOU want?

After "Who am I?" This is the next big question in your journey of discovering your true-self-in-manifestation because we act upon what we perceive we desire. How much do we own our actions if we don’t know our real motivation?

We need to unveil and better understand what moves us and one of the first stages is recognize and bring all our aspects into a conversation.

Tantra explores the desires as internal forces and steps towards our evolution.

Systems of Archetypes

There are many different archetypal system

In the Hindu tradition you find the Matrikas, the Navadurgas, the incarnations of Vishnu and of course, the Dasa Mahavidya.

But you find similarly rich and complex archetypal systems in Ancient Egypt, the Greek pantheon, in Norse mythology and in Jungian psychology or the Tarot deck.

Using a group of archetypes for self-exploration is one of the oldest technologies to relate to the divine and get to know our hidden gifts.

Is a game of identification and rejection while elaborating on these magnetic forces to uncover a diverse personal cosmology. This intimate contact with our real Self is what allows to better relate and interact with the world from our center.

The Dasa Mahavidya

The Ten Wisdom Goddesses are a circle of Archetypes from the Divine Feminine.

There are particular characteristics to take into account when selecting a group of archetypal energies to work with. You need to find affinity, but this doesn’t mean feeling comfortable with all the ingredients in the mix. An important part of the journey is to explore our aversions and fears.

The Mahavidyas are Mothers of Awakening. Their iconography looks sometimes ruthless, and their mythology reveals stories that can be disturbing unless you have the right lens to read into them.

They work on you with your shadows as much as with your light. This is the alchemical way to become an individual, an un-divided being, shining through her full expression

What do you learn in this course?

Iconography and Symbolism of the Mahavidyas

We explore all the complex wisdom and messages encoded in the images and description of the Goddesses. Tantric tradition is abundant in iconography. Symbols are vessels to preserve secret teachings over time avoiding the distortion of cultural and political changes. Symbols are also a direct language aimed at our subconscious. That’s where transformation starts.

Affinity with the archetypes, choosing your triad

We work in finding the first stepstones for our journey among the circle of the Wisdom Goddesses

We will work with all the Mahavidyas but in the beginning is important to find our personal guides among them. You might find them through affinity or by awe, or even because you recognize an antagonistic force in them. All is material for exploration and each of the Goddesses are gates to your gifts.

Receive the mantras (sacred syllables) for each Wisdom Goddess

Beeja mantras are single syllables that are and hold the distinctive vibration of each one of the manifestations of the Divine. You will learn how to activate these sacred sounds and how to incorporate them into your practice.

Experience the grounding effect of Yantras (sacred geometrical designs)

The Yantras are like antennae that re-arrange the energy. Like the Mantras, they express the vibrational signature of these archetypes. You will learn about the elements that form a Yantra and the multiple uses of this advanced energetic technology.

Design your own rituals to foster your connection with these energies

You don’t need to learn complicated rituals or devote a lot of time to follow guided meditations. The tiniest of gestures done with a laser clear intention can serve the purpose. Knowing about these elements you can create the type of protocol that brings you back to your center.

Discover accessible ways to tune into these archetypes

When you learn to perceive the Goddesses in your inner world, they become your companions. It is by opening the pathways in your psyche that these archetypes start showing themselves more clearly.

We will co-create an altar including elements for each Goddess.

Light and shadow of the Goddesses

To know our shadow is to know our light, both sides are equally needed to become whole and transcend the polarity and the internal struggle.

The exploration of these conflictive areas in our psychology is the art and métier of the Goddesses of Wisdom. There is no rest until you can fully love yourself and embrace both your human and divine nature.

Esoteric principles of the Mahavidyas: Independence/ self-nurturing / from victim to Goddess / the mastery of relationships.

This is the essence of the program. These ideas and concepts are not readily understood, and it takes a committed person to be an apt vessel for these teachings. New ideas open your eyes to new paradigms and once you see things in a different light you awaken to a new level of comprehension. All these practices prepare you to open your mind and your heart to access a different interpretation of reality.

This is the outline for the program

  • Introduction to concepts of Tantra and Archetypes

  • 10 online workshops including theory and practice about each of the Mahavidyas

  • Supporting materials (slides, texts and optional practices)

  • 10 Yoga flows inspired in each of the Mahavidyas.

  • Access during one year to all the material, recordings and updates.

  • Access to important discounts for one-on-one classes and sessions with your teacher.

Cost USD 250

Welcome To Yoga Compass by Kali

About Your Host

Kālī Tanayā

Kali is a Kali Priestess

and the founder of Yoga Compass.

She is a Yoga Teacher and independent researcher in Yoga/Tantra and pre-aryan spirituality through the surviving myths and iconography

She's been teaching Yoga and meditation for 20 years

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